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    Meta Interview Process for E SDE Applied through referral got email to connect with recruiter in next days Phone call with recruiter lasted around minutes telephonic conversation Discussed about favorite project Scope of work Day to d...
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    I had my hour EScreen session for an E SWE role based out of New York City I was asked a slight variation of Palidcromic Substringshttpsleetcodecomproblemspalindromicsubstringsdescription asking to return ALL possible palindroms and Ran...
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    I had my hour EScreen session for an E SWE role based out of New York City I was asked a slight variation of Palidcromic Substringshttpsleetcodecomproblemspalindromicsubstringsdescription asking to return ALL possible palindroms and Ran...
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    behaviroal another behavioral coding group shift string tree diameter coding LRU cache basic calculator product arch Instgram news feed It was a rejection after all with one year cooling period...
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    behaviroal another behavioral coding group shift string tree diameter coding LRU cache basic calculator product arch Instgram news feed It was a rejection after all with one year cooling period...
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    Status YOE at startups freelance Tier university Position Senior engineer at EU startup Location US Date Summer of So I finally found the motivation to write this post about my recent interview experience with Meta where I recei...
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    Status YOE at startups freelance Tier university Position Senior engineer at EU startup Location US Date Summer of So I finally found the motivation to write this post about my recent interview experience with Meta where I recei...
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    I recently completed a Meta interview process that included Behavioral Interview This went exceptionally well thanks to mock interviews with former Meta employees that helped me understand exactly what was expected Machine Learning System Design...
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    Giving back to the community Coding httpsleetcodecomproblemskthlargestelementinanarray httpsleetcodecomproblemsmaxconsecutiveonesiiidescription httpsleetcodecomproblemslowestcommonancestorofabinarytreeii...
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    I contacted a Meta recruiter last month via LinkedIn and later we connected over Zoom The recruiter explained the position and the interview structure in great detail I have been practicing DSA for a while so I asked for weeks to schedule the screen...
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    I contacted a Meta recruiter last month via LinkedIn and later we connected over Zoom The recruiter explained the position and the interview structure in great detail I have been practicing DSA for a while so I asked for weeks to schedule the screen...
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    Hello Everybody This is a continuation from my phone screen round link below I prepared for additional months for my full loop consisting of DSA Behavioral and Product Architecture System Design rounds with each round lasting minutes...
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    Hello Everybody This is a continuation from my phone screen round link below I prepared for additional months for my full loop consisting of DSA Behavioral and Product Architecture System Design rounds with each round lasting minutes...
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    Hey all I learned a lot during past months from the community now it is the time to give back This is my very first coding interview So I guess my experience would be particularly useful for beginners Background YOE years MLE LeetCode s...
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    EDIT I noticed there has been some interest in other details from my interview experience hence I have added a bunch of details for questions posted in comments and otherwise Hope this helps people in the same boat as I was a few weeks ago Hey...
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    EDIT I noticed there has been some interest in other details from my interview experience hence I have added a bunch of details for questions posted in comments and otherwise Hope this helps people in the same boat as I was a few weeks ago Hey...
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    Hi everyone I want to give back to this wonderful community by sharing my recent interview experience at Meta for an L software engineering position This was the very first time I interviewed with Meta Earlier I had interviewed with Amazon only th...
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    Hi Leetcode Community I wanted to take a moment to express my immense gratitude to this incredible community Without your support guidance and the wealth of resources available here I would have never imagined reaching this stage in my career A b...
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    I went through a mock which I tanked but it turned out to be a boon the feedback was so detailed it helped me clear the screening and onsite screening coding rounds in onsite and a ML system design apart from behavioral Here are the questions ...
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    Hi This forum has helped me a lot so giving back to the community Preparation Phase I picked up leetcode after a year and half in May I only targetted Meta so started doing top meta tagged questions on leetcode I took my time to under...
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    Just wanted to give back to the community The discuss section has been really helpful for prep YOE I opted for a Systems DesignInfra interview option Coding Round Merge sorted arrays Similar to httpsleetcodecomproblems...
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    Hey Everyone Recently had my Meta onsite interview for position in London st coding interview aced in mins Interviewer said I solved everything perfectly we can spend rest of time chatting nd was behavioral recruiter said Iuve ...
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    Phone Screen Interview Experience Questions Basic Calculator IIhttpsleetcodecomproblemsbasiccalculatoriidescription Implemented a nonstack solution I think the stack solution is fine I was just trying to be as optimal as ...
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    My Meta Interview Experience Giving Back to the Community Mock Interview Questions Count and Say Phone Number Combinations Outcome Solved on time Phone Screen Questions Merge Intervals Kth Largest E...
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    System Design Proximity services design FB search for nearby businesses Used same concepts as design yelp Feel good about this one provided a bunch of optimizations and the time ran out Interviewer mentioned that its okay Ive already provided...
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    Questions httpsleetcodecomproblemsinsertintoasortedcircularlinkedlistdescription Variant of httpsleetcodecomproblemsbinarytreerightsideviewdescription On first question I have missed the edge cases for empty list an...
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    Current Position SDE at Amazon India Years of Experience I applied on Metas career portal in January and received a response from HR in the last week of January They decided to schedule the first Recruiter Screening round...
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    Coding interview Solved both problems with perfect dry runs in minutes Answered followups Interviewer were super happy Coding Inteview Seems like inteviwer were not prepared He didnt know the BFS solution of a very popular leetcode ...
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    Hey Leetcoders I just want to share my unlucky experience with you First of all I would like to say folks that Im feeling disappointed but from my side I really tried to do my best I have more questions for the FAANG companies as a humble sof...
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    Giving back to the Community I had the interview today total time of the interview was hr The interviewer was a really nice person The following was agenda mins Intro Behavioral I think my answers were long as I have been working on ...
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    Applied through LinkedIn since January and got response back on March Phone Screen httpsleetcodecomproblemssum t Solved optimally with dry run t was asked a follow up question about how to avoid duplication I was able to explain...
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    Questions Valid word abbreviation Max Area of Islandvariation In second question you need to find largest area of island that you can create with cells containing Make sure no is present in any of direction eg input ...
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    Status YOE BS CS exintern Meta Position Android SWE Location London Date March May Technical phone screen mins Could not solve second fully but explained the approach and wrote pseudocode t httpsleetcodecomproblem...
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    Time for me to give back to society which helped me if you are benefitted please share your experience when you can after your interview Meta Interview experience Network Round Screening This question is always asked what happens w...
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    Time for me to give back to society which helped me if you are benefitted please share your experience when you can after your interview Meta Interview experience Network Round Screening This question is always asked what happens w...
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    Few days ago I conducted screening interview with Meta It starts with questions related my development experience and the situations I had while collaboration with other teams Code Q httpsleetcodecomproblemslowestcommonancestorofabi...
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    I just completed the Meta onsite This is to give back to the community Phone screen Q httpsleetcodecomproblemsfindallanagramsinastring Q List all subsequences in a string Onsite Round Q Given a number return...
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    I just completed the Meta onsite This is to give back to the community Phone screen Q httpsleetcodecomproblemsfindallanagramsinastring Q List all subsequences in a string Onsite Round Q Given a number return...
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    I have a Meta In Domain Design Round Computer Vision coming up There is very limited information related to what types of questions to expect So far from speaking to people at Meta I have example questions uCDesign an image classificati...
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    Hi everyone I want to give back to this wonderful community by sharing my recent interview experience at Meta for an L software engineering position Interview Process The interview process consisted of the following stages Recruiter P...
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    I have got an offer and here is my interview experience Phone something like finding K contineous sum Valid Word Abbreviation onsite Round Given an integer array Return the kth largest element in the array Given array...
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    Got a call from the recruiter in January Dont remember how did I apply but it was not referral I asked her for weeks preparation time and screening round was scheduled for th March I started grinding so hard and did around LC questions and...
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    Meta E US Date May No decision yet Onsite rounds Round Product design tQ Design a leetcode t Round Behavioral tQ Areas of improvement tQ time i had disaggrtement with stake holders tQ times i h...
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    YOE TC LPA Current firm HFT firm I dont understand why it happened I have been preparing pretty much all the time since the last months Have solved around questions on LC The questions were pretty simple Write a meth...
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    I had a screening interview with Meta today for a SeniorStaff level position Ive detailed my experience here to help others as I was extremely nervous and anxious but found that reading others experiences helped me a lot Behavioral Round ...
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    Background YOE Previously worked at Google and TikTok Position E SWE at Meta Location London UK Date Somewhere in Apr Screening Find range sum in BST Max sequence of s in a binary array if we can flip no mo...
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    Question Similiar Leetcode Questions Merge Sorted Array Merge k Sorted Lists Implement a function to merge sorted integer arrays into a single sorted array Remove duplicates in the resulting array A ...
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    Hi all Wanted to start by big thank you to this community for sharing the questions and interview experiences It was immensely helpful and prepared me for my onsites Now Its my turn to give back to this community I was reached out by recruite...
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    Hi all Wanted to start by big thank you to this community for sharing the questions and interview experiences It was immensely helpful and prepared me for my onsites Now Its my turn to give back to this community I was reached out by recruite...
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    Hello I have applied for Meta frontend software engineer position through their careers website in January I got an email for an HR phone call The recruiter asked some questions and then gave me a date for a phone screening interview after we...
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    Predicatable Mata tagged questions but one question slightly modified Also good part is that they gave detailed feedback on Coding and behavioural Q httpsleetcodecomproblemsminimumremovetomakevalidparentheses Q httpsleetcodecom...
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    Mock interview Interviewer provided some tips and Interview was interactive Questions was Count and Say httpsleetcodecomproblemscountandsaydescription Question was Stickers to spell word httpsleetcodecomproblemsstickerstospell...
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    I was asked two fairly straightforward questions I dont think they are on Leetcode Given a long listarray of s and s and two indices i and j return the number of s between those two indices in O time interviewer was looking for pr...
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    Questions Find number of unique elements in sorted array Assuming optimized solution on the first question which is On time and O space Can I improve On even more given that k the number of unique elements is much smaller than n th...
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    Time to give back to community contributions made here by other people really helped a lot Signed NDA so wont be sharing exact questions but will try to help maximum YoE Prep time months Prev company Another FAANG First contact Re...
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    Went through onsite interviews a couple of days ago There were interview rounds About me LC total YOE Applied with no ref Coding interviews questions total all from metatagged top all medium Only one was a slightly...
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    Reached out in Jan Feb early Phone Phone interview mins Questions Lexicographic number Dont remember Onsite Coding questions String sliding window Hard string sliding window extension to first Binary search of range...
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    I had a very good experience interviewing with them The interviewer was very professional Right from the get go I made sure to keep talking out loud very new for me havent interviewed in over a decade but wanted to make sure I sieze every opportunit...
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    I had a phone interview today for Android E with meta My interview was about mins of behavioral followed by two coding challenges for mins Wrapped up the coding in ish minutes and interviewer asked follow up questions to make things a bit har...
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    Time to give it back to the community Role SWE Infrastrucre applied via referral YOE Phone Screen httpsleetcodecomproblemsfindpeakelement minimum instead of peak element httpsleetcodecomproblemsshortestpathinbinar...
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    Recruiter Call Description Explained how interviews progresses and how interview would look like Scheduled a mock interview Mock Interview Overview Meta give us a chance to Schedules a mock interview Experience It is exactly same as re...
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    Time to give back to the community Phone sum flatten binary tree to linked list a week later received onsite invitation Onsite Coding Q fb tagged tree question Q Never seen before in lc and couldnt solve it Coding Q fb tagged s...
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    I have got so much help from leetcode community so I am sharing this to give back to everyone Here is my background I did not finish a CS degree but went to a top school that is well known in the US for years Interned at google Started...
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    I recently completed the full looponsite I was able to go directly to the last round because Ive had prior internship experience with Meta I havent gotten the results but Ill update when I do Questions asked Clone Graph but return the overa...
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    Hi I wanted to share my interview experience with Meta with you guys I got an offer a few days ago The entire process took months of straight leetcode grind and months total due to holiday season delays Tip prepare early Interview process ...
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    Got two questions Random pick index httpsleetcodecomdiscussinterviewquestionfacebookonsitegeneraterandommaxindex I gave the solution where we can look for all indexes of maxElement after finding it store them in an array a...
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    I went through my Meta Interview process recently I did prepare myself for days for onsite not to mention doing daily leetcode challenge which takes a hour of my time daily for last years Unfortunately my experience has not positive My overa...
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    US YOE Unemployed for year and playing video games and enjoying addicted to youtube shorts prep time month before phonescreen months delayed due to reschedule before onsites LC All grinder blind leetcode s were done mul...
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    YOE Had onsites last week wanted to give back to the community Phone interview httpsleetcodecomdiscussinterviewquestionMetaphonescreenEE Onside had rounds Coding t Not exactly httpsleetcodecomproblems...
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    Hi all I was compiling system design questions for meta onsites onsite Coding rounds at meta are quite similar to phone screen and they are mostly from leetcode Facebook tagged Behavioral is again some standard LP qustions I couldnt find a com...
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    Time to give it back to the community Round Variation of httpsleetcodecomproblemssimplifypath exactly httpsleetcodecomproblemslowestcommonancestorofabinarytreeiii Round httpsleetcodecomproblemsmergeksortedlistsdes...
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    Completed my screening round a couple of days back These are the questions I was asked to solve httpsleetcodecomproblemsvalidwordabbreviation httpsleetcodecomproblemsverticalordertraversalofabinarytree I solved both ...
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    I recently underwent an onsite interview with Meta which encompassed a total of five interviews two coding rounds one system design interview and two behavioral interviews System Design Interview During this interview I was tasked with de...
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    Hi All I have a coder pad interview scheduled in the next weeks for the role of Data Engineer at Meta It is going to be a sql python round If anyone has recently interviewed for a similar role I would really appreciate if you can help me...
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    Hi All I have a technical phone interview scheduled for Data Engineer role at Meta It is supposed to be python sql coderpad interview If anyone in the recent past or anytime has interviewed for a similar role I would really appreciate any ...
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    Hi All I have a technical phone interview scheduled for Data Engineer role at Meta It is supposed to be python sql coderpad interview If anyone in the recent past or anytime has interviewed for a similar role I would really appreciate any ...
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    Hi All I have a technical phone interview scheduled for Data Engineer role at Meta It is supposed to be python sql coderpad interview If anyone in the recent past or anytime has interviewed for a similar role I would really appreciate any ...
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    I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with a big tech interviews in the hopes that it will be helpful to the community and serve as my way of giving back Coming from a nonprominent college in an overlooked corner of the world from the start ...