Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Time to give it back to the community.

Role: SWE, Infrastrucre - applied via referral
YOE: 3

Phone Screen

  1. - minimum instead of peak element
  2. - Print the actual path not the shortest path length.

Coding 1

  1. Given an array with possible duplicates, randomly return the index of the largest element. Follow up: Space complexity 0(1).
  2. (premium)

Coding 2

  1. Design a data structure that supports insert, delete, get(the most recently inserted) APIs with the best time complexity - something like LRU cache.

  2. with just + & * operations

System Design

  • Design a system to show top 10 played songs for each user in Spotify.

Behavioral: Standard questions

Received a positive response from the recruiter a week later. Good luck everyone! :)

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