Status BTech in CSE at Tier College Position SWE Summer Intern at LinkedIn Location Bangalore India Offer Date October Online Assessment The assessment consisted of DSA questions to be solved in hours with a mix ...
I have years of experiewnce in ML First technical round went well One coding question and some design questions Dont remember the exact question but it was something like a list of numbers and i had to find a set based on prefix sum idea Vir...
College Tier Education BTechEE Years of experience years months at time of offer Prev Company Amazon Applied via Linkedin easy apply Got a call from recruiter after approx months in jan and scheduled interviews in february Note...
College Tier Education BTechEE Years of experience years months at time of offer Prev Company Amazon Applied via Linkedin easy apply Got a call from recruiter after approx months in jan and scheduled interviews in february Note...
Phone httpsleetcodecomproblemsmaxstackdescription Hard Onsite httpsleetcodecomproblemsalloonedatastructuredescription Hard Implement JSON parser Hard Craftsmanship Refer httpsleetcodecomcompanylinkedindiscus...
Round Phone Screen min project discussion os virtual memory paging semaphore mutexes min DSA Questions Desc was elaborative but basic motive was create a cache where eviction policy is based on the rank of the value rank...
Status YoE Reached out on call given weeks of prep time Contributing back to LC since LC helped a lot in preparation Coding Find the celebrity Could not figure out On solution httpsleetcodecomproblemsvalidtriangle...
Education BE CS Last Tier College in India Experience Location India Timeline months in Position SE or equivalent Disclaimer The purpose of this post is not to disclose the exact questions but to help ot...
Status Tier Btech Position Staff Engineer at a product company Location India Date January Technical phone screen hour House robber bunch of simple sql questions Onsite rounds R SQL python coding questions You...
Position SWE Exp yrs Current Company Top ECommerce Company India Number of rounds conducted Screening round Easy to Medium DSA questions I was able to do it in mins then we had minutes of java core discussion where...
I recently had a technical phone screen interview with Linkedin I have almost years of experience and the interview covered a range of topics from my current project to computer fundamentals Sharing my experience as I couldnt find Linkedin TPS int...
Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...
Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...
Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...
Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...
Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...