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    I have years of experiewnce in ML First technical round went well One coding question and some design questions Dont remember the exact question but it was something like a list of numbers and i had to find a set based on prefix sum idea Vir...
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    College Tier Education BTechEE Years of experience years months at time of offer Prev Company Amazon Applied via Linkedin easy apply Got a call from recruiter after approx months in jan and scheduled interviews in february Note...
  • Published on
    College Tier Education BTechEE Years of experience years months at time of offer Prev Company Amazon Applied via Linkedin easy apply Got a call from recruiter after approx months in jan and scheduled interviews in february Note...
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    Round Phone Screen min project discussion os virtual memory paging semaphore mutexes min DSA Questions Desc was elaborative but basic motive was create a cache where eviction policy is based on the rank of the value rank...
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    Status YoE Reached out on call given weeks of prep time Contributing back to LC since LC helped a lot in preparation Coding Find the celebrity Could not figure out On solution httpsleetcodecomproblemsvalidtriangle...
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    Position SWE Exp yrs Current Company Top ECommerce Company India Number of rounds conducted Screening round Easy to Medium DSA questions I was able to do it in mins then we had minutes of java core discussion where...
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    Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...
  • Published on
    Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...
  • Published on
    Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...
  • Published on
    Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...
  • Published on
    Hello everyone I was wondering if you could provide me with the commonly discussed system design topics and questions that LinkedIn typically asks for Senior and lowerlevel positions Additionally I would appreciate it if you could share the sources yo...