Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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LinkedIn | Bengaluru | SSE | On-Going

  • Shared Anonymously

Round 0: Phone Screen

  • 30 min - project discussion + os virtual memory / paging + semaphore / mutexes
  • 30 min DSA Questions - Desc was elaborative but basic motive was -- create a cache where eviction policy is based on the rank of the value (rank function was given by them no impl needed). Needed to implement the get and put method.

Round 1: Coding Module 2

  • Question based on connection distance (BFS / 2 - way BFS)
  • Grep in file, where it was needed to find logs between 2 given timestamps. We were given logs with sorted timestamps, each line has [DateTime Content]. -- Interviewer wanted to discuss chunking / splitting of huge log files -- I did not do very well here and did not know what the interviewer exactly wanted.

Round 2: Coding Module 1

  • Number of island (worded differently, some followups like why DFS).
  • Celebrity problem, where connections were given as a matrix. Here 2 is celebrity (it follows no one, but everyone follows it).
    0 1 2 3 4
    0 T T T F
    1 T T T F
    2 F F F F
    3 T T T T
    4 T T F F

Round 3: System Design

  • Top K System Design -- Can talk about heap + map / heap + count min sketch / spark streaming / redis sorted sets etc. Whatever you are comfortable with.
  • Interviewer was also interested in capacity estimations and failure managment.

Round 4: Concurrency

  • Classic consumer-producer problem with graceful shutdown / multiple consumers.

Round 5: Host Leader

  • Past projects
  • Behavioral (scenario based)
  • Some discussion on Distributed Id Generator.
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