Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Servicenow| SSE (SDE 2) | Hyderabad | May 2024 [Rejected]

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Hello LeetCoders!

I interviewed for a Senior Software Engineer position in May 2024. The process took around 30 days and consisted of four rounds, as per the HR's information.

How to Get a Chance?
I received an email from HR after they reviewed my resume, and she scheduled the first round (a virtual interview).

Round 1: Technical Interview
This was a video-based interview on Zoom. The interviewer began by introducing herself and then asked for a general introduction about me. She asked questions covering frontend, backend, and databases.

Major Questions:

A coding question: a currency converter where you select a value from a dropdown, and it shows the corresponding target value.
A question on database optimization.
Another coding question: find the absolute difference between the minimum and maximum elements of an array (both sorted and unsorted). This included discussions on time complexity and space complexity.
I coded in Java and provided full explanations. Additionally, there were basic questions on JavaScript (hoisting, closures, promises) and CSS positions.

I answered 99.9% of the questions correctly and was selected for the next round.

Round 2: Technical Interview with a Staff Software Engineer
This was also a video-based interview on Zoom. The interviewer introduced himself and asked for a general introduction.

JavaScript Questions:

Given an array, separate numbers, strings, and objects (add the numbers, multiply the strings, and concatenate the objects).
This went smoothly.

Coding Question:

Next Permutations: I started with the brute force approach, but the interviewer interrupted me, saying it wouldn't work. I explained that we needed to go through the process, and eventually, I explained and coded it smoothly using Paint.
Additional Questions:

Questions on currying: I missed these.
Questions on setTimeout (output-based): I missed these as well.
The Waiting Period
After this round, the HR did not contact me for 2-3 days, so I called to inquire about the result. She said the result was very good and positive, and that she had shared my resume with the hiring manager. This confused me because usually, the resume is shared at the beginning of the process. I understood she was bluffing, but I said okay. I asked if we were moving to the next round, and she confirmed. I was so happy.

However, after two weeks of ignored calls (I felt ghosted), I found out on the portal that my application was no longer under consideration.

This is How ServiceNow HR Works.
Even on Glassdoor, their rating is 2.9/5. I thought I’d give them a chance, but I was proven wrong.

I was rejected. It was a tough experience, and I was quite sad for a week. I am sharing this experience with our community to help others. It is very tough to share when the experience is not positive.


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