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Google | L3 Interview | India [Offer]
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Previous Expereince: 1.5 years at a top PBC as SDE-1
Education: B.Tech in CSE from Tier3 college
The recruiter reached out to me via Linkedin for L3(SWE II) opportunity at Google India. I will not be able to share the exact questions due to NDA.
Phone Screen
The recruiter said that they are skipping the phone screen round as the team was impressed by my profile and previous development experiences(although I believe it was more to do with an urgent requirement rather than good profile).
Coding Round 1:
Duration: 45 minutes
Problems asked: 1
Problem Statement: IP DNS lookup query. It's a variation of the classic prefix matching question. To be done via Trie.
It took me some time to understand the question and come up with the solution. Since I was not fully confident in Tries, I was able to code only 70% of the solution but verbally explained the approach to the interviewer correctly.
Feedback: Lean Hire
Coding Round 2:
Duration: 45 minutes
Problems asked: 1
Problem Statement: Variation of merging k-sorted arrays. It was like merging k-sorted arrays of pairs with some constraints. To be done via Heap.
I was able to come up with the brute force solution and able to code it up within 35 minutes. We spent the next 5 mins figuring out the space and time complexity. Since the time was short, we verbally discussed on 2 optimal approaches and time complexities for the same. The interviewer seemed satisfied at the end.
Feedback: Hire
Coding Round 3:
Duration: 45 minutes
Problems asked: 1
Problem Statement: Slight variation of https://leetcode.com/discuss/interview-question/1682632/google-phone-screen-number-of-islands-in-a-tree
I was able to solve the question using DFS in 35 mins and explain the time and space complexity. The interviewer had a follow up to this which was pretty straightforward.
Feedback: Hire
Behavioural/Googleyness Round:
Duration: 45 minutes
Super nice guy from US. Standard Googleyness questions which you can find on the internet.
- Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult coworker.
- Tell me about a time when you took lead on a project.
- Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond your scope of work.
and a few other similiar questions.
Feedback: Positive
The recruiter told me within 2 days that overall feedback is good and we will move to team matching round followed by Hiring Committe(HC).
Team Matching Round:
Basic questions regarding current position, projects and challenges I overcame in my current role.
Feedback: Positive
Hiring Committee:
The recruiter contacted me after a week or so and said that the Hiring Committe has approved my packet and Google will be extending an L3 offer to me. They scheduled a compensation discussion call. This process is still ongoing and I am awaiting the formal offer letter from Google.
Offer Details: Link