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Microsoft | SDE 2 | L61 | Interview Experience
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Education: B-Tech
Years of Experience: 2.6 years
Prior Experience: Amazon
I've applied on the careers portal and recruiter reached out to me.
I had 4 rounds of interviews.
Round 1 :
- Introduction of myself and some details about the current team and work.
- Little similar to this : https://leetcode.com/problems/valid-parentheses/description/
Instead of braces, there were different destinations and speeds associated with them.
a. Need to find the speed at the last stop
b. Extension to above - speed at each stop
Solved using Hashmap and Stack<pair>
Round 2 :
- https://leetcode.com/problems/candy/description/
- Multiple theoretical questions on OOPS concepts, Why - public static void main in java, Access modifiers, static & final keywords related scenarios and expected behaviour of the code, Design Principles, Design Patterns with examples
- Youtube - HLD of Uploading videos to the platform API and streaming of the videos API
- Current Project HLD Design and Deep Dive on Technical Details of the same, AWS concepts
Round 3 :
- This was with manager. There were lot of behavioural questions on the previous work experience.
- A puzzle on some chess tournament
- HLD - Consider all the restaurants in your surroundings for about 5 kms radius, Design a system for the restaurants owners to add their details and users to review and comment.
Round 4 :
This was with someone of director level. There were technical behavioural questions and https://leetcode.com/problems/validate-binary-search-tree/description/
All the coding rounds were on codility platform where you are expected to write clean code with good naming conventions and run it for different test cases, discuss time and space complexities.
Design rounds were on draw.io or you can choose any white board that you are comfortable with.
Compensation - https://leetcode.com/discuss/compensation/4921481/Microsoft-or-SDE2-or-L61-or-India