Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Microsoft L62 | Interview Experience | Select

  • Shared Anonymously

Hello Everyone ,
I am sharing my recent interview experience with Micrososft .
Expereince - 5.10 years @Amazon as SDE 2 (laid off ).
There are total of 5 rounds .
Round 1 - Codility round (Online Assessement )
2 questions 90 mins . (One Medium and one hard question )
Solved both of them with all tests running .
Got a invite to attend drive on 4th May .

Round 1 -> Taken by Principle Eng Manager
Question 1 - Next greater Element .
Question 2 - Reverse Linked list in group of k .

Solved both of them .

Round 2 -> Taken by Principle engineer
Ask is to Give low level design of Cache with both LRU AND LFU as Eviction algorithim .
This round streached till 1.5 hrs , discussed code and various design stratergies to implement .

Round 3 -> Taken by Principle Engineer (High Level design )
Ask to come up with a design of system that gather data from various products like one drive , sharepoint and etc and show the user how much limit of usage a particular user has exhausted per product .
Discussed various aspects , and implemented design this , round went well and streached up to again 1.5 hrs .

Next day got a call from recruiter that she wants to schedule final round .

Round 4 - > Taken by Principle Engg Manager (Director )
Went deep in my project and current work .
Ask to implement multithreaded event bus (like kafka ) .
Then had discussions on NQSQL Db . At last fewbehaviour questions and my location prefernce ,
This round streached til 1.45 hrs .

After 2 days got mail from recruiter for docs submission .
Prev interview Experience with oracle -

Soon will update offer details , along with my other interview experiences

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