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Doordash E4 February 2024 Phone Screen and Onsite (Reject)

  • Shared Anonymously

This was for a SWE position in NYC

Phone screen was the max profit scheduling problem for Doordash:


  • Coding craft: I don't completely remember it completely, but it was essentially returing a JSON response from calling mocked APIs from 3 different services and combining certain pieces of data from each. It wasn't particularly difficult.
  • System design: the 3 day donation service that other people have already described.
  • Debugging: debug code that has already been mostly implemented for a traffic router (round robin algorithm) but hasn't been tested or completely finished. Just had to find the bugs and get the tests working, as well as write a few more tests.
  • Hiring manager/behavioral: They asked about some big project I've led and my role in it. They also asked me a few questions for hypothetical situations, such as
  • if some hypothetical service started showing a large spike in some error, what thing would you look into first, how would you figure out what was causing the issue, etc
  • if I was assigned some hypothetical project, something like what questions would I ask to gather requirements (sorry this was a while back, I don't remember completely)

Overall, it was a fair interview. For the hiring manager chat at least, I wasn't expecting the questions about hypothetical situations, since I was more prepared to talk about the different DoorDash principles and my past experiences, so I didn't have very good answers for those questions.

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