Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Amazon | SDE2 Onsite (Worst experience ever)

  • Shared Anonymously

Onsite interview summary:

  • Consisted of three coding rounds with some leadership questions, and one behavioral round that included system design.
  • I completed all coding challenges successfully:
  • Solved a BFS question, designed a library with nested structures, and tackled a practical heap problem.
  • Faced challenges during the system design round:
  • The hiring manager arrived late, leaving me with limited time for system design, and unexpectedly, data modeling was deemed irrelevant.
  • The final Q&A was brief, and when I asked job-description-related questions, the responses were hesitant and questioned for relevance.

Unfortunately, I was not selected for the position.



  • BFS (min number of steps to take up or down till target)
  • Library (items and nested items) and add generic filters based on item property
  • Log parsing (optimized for memory)


  • Parking lot
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