Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Amazon | Applied Scientist Intern | India | Dec 2023 [Offer]

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Status: M-Tech CSE student, old IITs
Position: Applied scientist intern (6 months) at Amazon
Location: Bengaluru (in person)
Date: Dec 1st, 2023 (whole process after application took 2-3 weeks)


  • Applied through ML summer school, 2023. Amazon releases a form after the event for participants who wish to apply for internships and FTE roles.

Hackerrank OA:
2 LC easy questions. Much easier than Amazon SDE OA questions.

Technical phone screen (1 hour):

  • Behavioral questions for first 5 mins like favorite project etc. Might have been just icebreakers.
  • 1 easy BFS question (shortest path in graph w unit edges), 1 medium/hard BST question. Was not allowed to use standard library for BST question. I felt like the interviewer wanted to me to implement a balanced binary search tree from scratch but thankfully they accepted just the logic.

2nd ML round (1 hour):

  • Asked questions about ML projects and work experience for first 15 mins.
  • Then moved to deep learning stuff like RNNs, Transformers etc.
  • Last 30 mins was only about ML. Especially decision trees - Amazon seems to be obsessed with them for some reason. Interviewer was following a wierd convention here and expected answers to perfectly fit within their lingo, did not accept any explanations.

Result: Received offer. Rejected because I had another good FTE offer in hand and there was very less chance of getting a return offer (afaik no return offers in last 2 yrs).

Offer details:

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