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AWS | SDE-II | No Offer
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OA - included one medium and one hard problem (can't remember the details now)
Phone Screen - 3 LP questions followed by coding question (get top visited 3-page sequence in history of web-pages navigation -> More like top k elements in an array)
Final stage - included 5 rounds (1 hour each)
- Completely based on LP questions. The interviewer asked 3 LP questions but drilled down into every detail of the answer I gave.
- 2 LP questions followed by coding questions: two sum, sorting algorithms, validate binary search, merge two sorted arrays. The interviewer didn't ask me to write the code but explain the logic for every question.
- System Design (tiny URL) followed by 2LP questions. Deep dive into system design topics like consistency, caching, scalability etc.
- 2LP question followed by low level design question (design a chess game, not the full version but the basic classes and write move logic for a knight)
- 2LP questions followed by coding question: minimum cost to connect data centers (minimum spanning tree)
Suggestion about LP questions: don't prepare for specific questions. Focus on individual LP and come up with 2-3 stories. 2 stories about where you exhibited that LP and one where you couldn't. Once you have these stories, you can tackle pretty much all the questions.
Received a call from the recruiter second day. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it.
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