Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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ORCALE OCI | 1st March | Rejected

  • Shared Anonymously

1st ROUND:

  • Having a integer array with chocolates weight here weight[i] = weight of ith chocolate. A person comes in each day and pick one chocolate and eat it half and put it back to array. Now for the given d days we need to find after d day what would be the minimum of total chocolates weight. Example : [2,1,4] and d = 2. then ans : 4
  • given a array like this : [-7 ,-1, 0. 2, 9, 10] for the given array and then do the square of each element => [49,1,0,81,100] the sort the array : => [0,1,49,81,100] . It should be done in O(n) time complexity. without using any special data structures.

2nd Round:

  • coding question: for given string need to find call possible substring which has all vowels.
  • what is calleable, runnable.
  • example around about the flatmap in java
  • If we put terminal opration on stream and open that stream again then?

3rd Round:

  • coding question get most frequent k number
  • LIS (logest increasing subsequence)
  • behaviours question

4th Round:


  • some behaviour questions

  • Can do get and modify operation in a single HTTPS request

5th Round [Bar Tender]: Totally on behaviour question and some question on resume

6th Round: Totally on resume and deep discussion on resume give the HLD for 1 project.

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