Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Atlassian | Senior Engineer P5 | India | January 2024 Reject

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Status: Tier 2 BTech, 10+ YoE all in product companies in India.
Position: Staff Engineer at a product company
Location: India
Date: January 2024

Onsite (3 rounds):
Coding design round 1:
Interviewer background: Interviewer was from BITs Pilani.
Standard atlassian router question. I was asked to discuss multithreaded approach as well. Interview went well. Gave multiple approaches including, hash map, trie, regex.

Verdict: Hire

Coding round2:
Interviewer background: Interviewer was from IIIT.
Rank teams based on some criteria. Was asked to discuss distributed approach as well. Was able to propose a small LLD for computing ranks based on multithreading. Interview went well.

Verdict: Hire

Round3 HLD round:
Interviewer background: MCA graduate of IGNOU. Hired at Atlassian during covid hiring boom when any tom,dick and harry got multiple offers.

Standard atlassian tagging question. Was able to describe the data model, HLD. The interviewer started asking low level details in HLD round. So figured out the details on the fly. Was able to complete 100% of HLD, gave high level approach on how I will tackle low level design. From my point of view, I was able to come up with scalable HLD and touch upon LLD aspects as well.

Verdict: Reject

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