Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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DoorDash | L5 Backend Engineer | Bay Area | 24/02/14 [Reject]

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Status: Employed, MS CS with 3 years of experience
Position: L5 Backend Engineer at DoorDash
Location: Bay Area, CA
Date: Feb 14, 2024

Recruiter reached out to me.

Technical virtual interview (1 hour):

  • Talked a bit about interviewer's and my experience.
  • Straight to coding question, create a data structure to hold strings of a certain format and support CRUD operations. Optimal solution was (I believe) a trie. I did not complete implementation in time.
  • Interviewer was pleasent and friendly, if a bit aloof at times.

Rejected a few days after my interview. Definitely expected this result. I figured out it's a trie basically immediately, but felt very nervous as I've never implemented one. Other than studying more, I think I'll spend more time thinking deeply at the beginning instead of rushing to code. The real complexity in a trie is the search to the leaf node, which is necessary for creating, getting, updating, and deleting.

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