Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Qualcomm | Software Engineer | Hyderabad | Feb 2024 [Offer]

  • Shared Anonymously

Current Experience: 1 Year 10 months
Current Position: SDE-1 at MNC
Location: Noida

Round 1 - Technical phone screen (1-1.5 hour): (Day 1)

  • Brief intro , discussion about my previous work i.e. related to kernel bootloader issues debugging , code integration etc.

  • Asked about my previous projects and explained them in brief

  • How do you debug kernel issues from logs- told him all type of issues

  • Delete a given node from linked list with code

  • Count the occurrence of each letter given in an array without extra space

  • How kernel communicates to user space

  • Discussion about kernel drivers

  • What is the function of zygote

  • When we use static keyword, more questions related to it

  • Friend classes & its use

  • Difference between stack memory and heap memory

  • Malloc , calloc & realloc

  • If you want to multiply two numbers , how will i do it - discuss many approaches

  • Code snippets output

  • Time slicing scheduling

  • If a game developer wants to implement a scheduling algo in his system, is time slicing is a good choice for it?

  • What are activities, how to communicate between two activities

  • Why do you want to switch to qualcomm.

Round 2 - Technical phone screen - (1-1.5 hour): (Day 1 - after 5 min from Round 2)

  • brief intro , discussed about kernel debugging
  • Find the element in the array such that all its left element is smaller than it and all the right element is greater than it
  • 100 doors puzzle
  • 5 code snippet output
  • What is dangling pointer how to avoid
  • Struct vs class
  • What is design patters, why we use it
  • Pointer vs reference , which is better
  • How kernel communicates to HAL
  • What are memory leaks, how do you identify it in a code, and how to prevent it
  • Asked about how google map works, how google maps manages to show road blocks etc
  • If you want to design a google map, how will you handle road blocks that is taking extra time, how will you identity and manage it in your application

-> Got the call from HR in the evening regarding the round 3 with HM as the feedback was positive from Technical Rounds.

Round 3 - Hiring Manger + Technical Round (30 min) (Day 2)

  • Bried Intro, Asked some questions around C language.

  • Discussion around kernel, pointers, memory allocation, how do a kernel do memory management

  • How do kernel communicates with user space

  • If we want to write an user application on a embedded system having no kernel, how will we write it?

  • Give description about the team and the work they do

  • Ask me about the latest date when i can join , and told me to join as soon as possible.

-Got the email after 1 hour to fill the details and follow up call from HR after 2 hours telling me that that i cleared all the rounds and he guided me for the next process.

-> Got the Offer letter after 12-14 days.
Offer Details -

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