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Qualcomm | Software Engineer | Hyderabad | Feb 2024 [Offer]
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Current Experience: 1 Year 10 months
Current Position: SDE-1 at MNC
Location: Noida
Round 1 - Technical phone screen (1-1.5 hour): (Day 1)
Brief intro , discussion about my previous work i.e. related to kernel bootloader issues debugging , code integration etc.
Asked about my previous projects and explained them in brief
How do you debug kernel issues from logs- told him all type of issues
Delete a given node from linked list with code
Count the occurrence of each letter given in an array without extra space
How kernel communicates to user space
Discussion about kernel drivers
What is the function of zygote
When we use static keyword, more questions related to it
Friend classes & its use
Difference between stack memory and heap memory
Malloc , calloc & realloc
If you want to multiply two numbers , how will i do it - discuss many approaches
Code snippets output
Time slicing scheduling
If a game developer wants to implement a scheduling algo in his system, is time slicing is a good choice for it?
What are activities, how to communicate between two activities
Why do you want to switch to qualcomm.
Round 2 - Technical phone screen - (1-1.5 hour): (Day 1 - after 5 min from Round 2)
- brief intro , discussed about kernel debugging
- Find the element in the array such that all its left element is smaller than it and all the right element is greater than it
- 100 doors puzzle
- 5 code snippet output
- What is dangling pointer how to avoid
- Struct vs class
- What is design patters, why we use it
- Pointer vs reference , which is better
- How kernel communicates to HAL
- What are memory leaks, how do you identify it in a code, and how to prevent it
- Asked about how google map works, how google maps manages to show road blocks etc
- If you want to design a google map, how will you handle road blocks that is taking extra time, how will you identity and manage it in your application
-> Got the call from HR in the evening regarding the round 3 with HM as the feedback was positive from Technical Rounds.
Round 3 - Hiring Manger + Technical Round (30 min) (Day 2)
Bried Intro, Asked some questions around C language.
Discussion around kernel, pointers, memory allocation, how do a kernel do memory management
How do kernel communicates with user space
If we want to write an user application on a embedded system having no kernel, how will we write it?
Give description about the team and the work they do
Ask me about the latest date when i can join , and told me to join as soon as possible.
-Got the email after 1 hour to fill the details and follow up call from HR after 2 hours telling me that that i cleared all the rounds and he guided me for the next process.
-> Got the Offer letter after 12-14 days.
Offer Details - https://leetcode.com/discuss/compensation/4938846/qualcomm-software-engineer-1-hyderabad/2334249