Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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SDE intern Amazon

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Online Assessment:

  • Duration: 105 minutes
  • Questions:
    1. Basic: Sliding window maximum, solved using deque.
    2. Medium: Graph problem, solved using topological sort (similar to LeetCode's course schedule 2).
    3. Advanced: Dynamic Programming problem on a grid with blocked cells (unseen problem).
  • Performance:
    • Solved the first two questions in 30 minutes.
    • The third question took 1 hour to develop the logic.
    • Managed to solve all three questions with 8 minutes remaining.

Interview Rounds:

Round 1: DSA Round (Principal Engineer)

  • Format: 2 DSA questions in 60 minutes.
  • Questions:
    1. Basic: Find the square root of a number, solved using binary search.
      • Cross questions on binary search details (e.g., deciding l&r values, when to use ans variable).
    2. Good: Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates Allowed
      • Initially struggled, received a hint from the interviewer and solved it.

Round 2: CS Fundamentals (SDE3)

  • Format: Verbal CS questions, SQL queries, OOP pseudo code, and LRU cache discussion in 60 minutes.
  • Topics Covered:
    • DBMS: ACID, Normalization, SQL Joins.
    • OS: Deadlock, LRU, Disk scheduling, Paging.
    • OOP: Overloading, overriding, inheritance.
  • Performance: Answered all questions confidently.

Round 3: Fitment Round (Manager)

  • Format: More of a Hiring Manager round lasting 30 minutes.
  • Content:
    • Behavioral questions.
    • High-level discussion on projects and previous internship.
    • Discussed internship plans.
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