Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Google | L4 | Seattle | January 2024 [Hiring Freeze]

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Status: 3 YOE, B.S CS @ Average public school
Position: Software Engineer III, Google Cloud (L4)
Location: Seattle, WA, Mountain View, CA
Date: January 2024

This was my second time interviewing at Google. I once again got the interview through a cold application and heard back a few weeks later. I scheduled the TPS for about 4 weeks after the inital email since the EOY holiday break got in the way.

I prepped using Grind 75,, Sean Prashad's Leetcode patterns list, and Leetcode's Google tagged questions list. Did around 150 problems, pretty much all easies and mediums.

Technical Phone Screen (TPS):

  • Design a search data structure to store and display recent searches. If a user just clicks the search bar without typing anything, it should return the N most recent searches. Given a search string it should save the search and also return the N most recent searches

After some clarification, this boiled down to implementing two functions:

  • addSearch(String search)
  • getRecentSearches()

given a number N which represented how many recent searches to return

My initial thoughts were to store the search strings in a List or Map when the addSearch() function was called and to pull the last N items from the List or Map when getRecentSearches() was called. However after thinking about runtime and clarifying that duplicates could move the position of the stored search string from the back of the list to the front made me realize that this problem was very similar to LRU Cache where we would need to maintain a HashMap of search string -> a Node that contained the string and prev/next pointers. I would also need a Doubly Linked List to store the order of the searches and edit the ordering of the list in O(1) time. After discussing this approach with the interviewer he seemed to be pleased with the solution.

class Node{  
String val;  
Node prev;  
Node next;  
public Node(String val){  
this.val = val;  
// S: O(unique strings)  
class SearchDS{  
int N;  
Map<String, Node> map;  
Node left;  
Node right;  
public SearchDS(int num){  
this.N = num;  
map = new HashMap<>(); = right; = left;  
//R : O(1)  
public void addSearch(String s){  
map.put(s, new Node(s));  
// R: O(N)  
public List<String> getRecentSearches(){  
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();  
Node curr = this.right;  
int iter = this.N - 1;  
while(iter >= 0 && curr != left){  
curr = curr.prev;  
return res;  
//remove node from DLL  
public void remove(Node n){  
Node prv = n.prev;  
Node nxt =; = nxt;  
nxt.prev = prv;  
//add Node at right  
public void insert(Node n){  
Node prv = right.prev;  
Node nxt = right; = n;  
nxt.prev = n;  
n.prev = prv; = nxt;  

If you look at the code, it is 98% the same as LRU cache, except the Node stores a single String rather than <Integer,Integer> KV pair.


  • addSearch(): O(1) to update map and fix a nodes place in the DLL
  • getRecentSearches: O(N) will iterate through N number of nodes in the DLL


  • O(number of unique strings): Map and DLL will contain number of unique strings searched

After about a week, the recruiter let me know that I did extremely well and had passed the TPS but that hiring needs had shifted so they could not proceed with my application.

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