Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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IBM ISDL | On Campus | 2024

  • Shared Anonymously

B. Tech - Tier 3

All interviews offline except Online Assessment (OA).

Technical Round 1 (1hr 30mins)

  • First he asked me to explain any of my projects
  • Explain the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Why pooling in CNN is necessary
  • Explain the difference between NoSQL and SQL database
  • Given a SQL database how will you manage the queries if two or more person want to update the database at the same time
  • Why to denormalize a database
  • One SQL query using Joins
  • Explain different linux commands
  • How does device drivers work
  • What is multi-threading
  • How is multi-threading handled
  • What is Semaphore and how is it different from mutex
  • What is deadlock
  • What is bankers algorithm
  • How does software interupts work
  • What is three way handshake in TCP
  • Difference between TCP and UDP
  • What happens when one searches
  • What are the seven layers of OSI model
  • The interviewer asked me to explain Heap Sort by writing the code and doing a detailed dry run on it
  • One DSA question was given two strings find all the common charecters between them. I told the approach and did a dry run. Then the interviewer asked me how will you implement in C.
  • What is dangling pointer
  • What happens if pointer is pointing to '\0'
  • A pointer is pointing to an array. How will you access the nth element.
  • After this the interviewer saw that I had done a project using azure cognitive services. He asked me what is cognitve service and what all services I used

Techincal Round 2 + HR Round (1hr)
Since time was limited the technical round and hr round clubbed together

  • Give the CMOS diagram of an inverter and its waveform
  • What is the CMOS implementation of a D Flip FLop
  • The interviewer gave a KMAP and asked me to find the Boolean Expression
  • Why is docker used
  • What is an image.Also name some images
  • What is working directory. How is it different from CD ing into the working directory
  • What is port forwarding
  • Why are K8s used
  • Then the interviewer asked me how will you allocate the minimum required resources in a VM
  • How will you install linux in a local machine(He was expecting boot loader)
  • What can be privacy and ethical concerns in AI/ML
  • What is stopping my college to make something similar to ChatGPT
    After this the HR round Started
  • Why IBM?
  • What are your strengths and weakness
  • If you have offers from IBM,Google and Microsoft with the same CTC, which one will you choose
  • What sets you apart from different candidates

FYI: The intervier asked me the cmos questions because I am from ECE branch.

Verdict: Selected

OA questions if Interested

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