Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Agoda | Software Engineer | Bangkok | 31st July [Offer]

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Status: 4+yr exp
Position: Software Engineer II, Adobe
Location: Noida, UP
Date: July 31st, 2023

R1: Online Screening Round

  • 3 coding questions(2 problem statements and 1 error resolving question), easy if you are good with basics.

R2: Coding Round

  • Min Stack
  • Question on Binary search similar to Koko eating bananas
  • Next Greater element, followup: Solve for a circular array


  • Design a music streaming application which fetches top trending sonds. I was asked for followups like finding trending songs based on regions and questions on scalability and fault tolerance like how to handle millions of requests from the clients. Interviewer asked to design the data schema of the same and asked for the choices of DB to use. This was more like a casual discussion with the interviewer. Interviewer was very engaging with my thoughts and behaved friendly.

R4: Techno-Managerial

  • Common Behavioural questions followed up a graph problem similar to Toposort(course schedule I). I was asked to solve using both the DFS and BFS approach with proper explaination on time and space complexity. I passed this round.

R5: Bar Raiser

  • Questions on concurrency control and thread safety. Interviewer was keen to know my thought process on creating an api without using inbuild java functions. Used AtomicLong class in java and did some hands on with the code. It went OK-OK, not so good not bad either.

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