Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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Google SDE Intern for 2024 | on-Campus Interview | india

  • Shared Anonymously

I had my Google Interview for SDE intern today.
Little Background -

  1. Female
  2. Not a CS major
  3. CGPA between 8 - 8.5
  4. They generally never shortlist people from my department, or anyone with a low CG (even for a girl), but i got shortlisted and it was very unexpected

The first round was pretty simple - got asked a Dijkastra's Algo question and coded that within the time limit, follow-up wasn't difficult as well

The second round i got a string question, which seemed a little tricky, i knew that im the back of my mind i might have to use dp? but i gave a few approaches, and later mentioned using a map instead. she seemed okay with the idea and gave me a small hint. I was a little slow with my thoughts, but made sure that i am thinking out loud and letting interviewer know whats on my mind. By the time I coded, there was no time left for a follow up question. I think the code should be fine as she said it looks okay.

Should I keep hope to get selected or not?

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