Preparing for an interview? Check out Cracking the Coding Interview
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ZOMATO | SDE + Intern | On Campus | August 2023

  • Shared Anonymously

Date: 17 August, 2023

Round 1:
Round 1 was online assessment round in which there were two sections, Section 1 was MCQ section of 20 minutes and Section 2 was of coding section of 60 minutes.

MCQ section consisted of 13 questions based purely on Operating Systems, Algorithms, and DBMS

Coding Section : 3 questions:
q1) 60 points: Easy question based on Sliding Window approach. [SOLVED]
q2) 65 points: Question which was equivalent to Simply Debts feature of Splitwise. [Partially Solved]
q3) 100 points: Basic memoization question [SOLVED]

Round 2: Technical Interview

Interview was purely based on tech used in projects, SQL questions from DBMS, and concurrency questions from OS. From coding part, the question asked was to implement Priority Queue from scratch.

Status : Not Selected

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