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System Development Engineer - Amazon (On-Campus Oct 2022)
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Round 1: [Mettl 1 Hr 30 Mins]:\xA0
- The assessment consisted of 9 components like software testing, SQL/database, algorithms, Linux, pseudo code, data structures, coding, and networks.
\xA0 - The coding section had a single Array based question which i solved using sliding window as O(N2) was getting TLE.
Round 2: [Coding]
- https://leetcode.com/problems/delete-node-in-a-linked-list/ \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0
Also asked to handle deletion for the last node.
\xA0 - Print longest common substring - first asked to write recursive code then DP Solution.
- Find Unique Triplets whose sum equals -1 within 0(N2).
- Standard Amazon Behavioral Questions.\xA0
I was able to solve all the questions with optimized solutions.
Round 3: [Coding + CSE Fundamentals]
- She started with her introduction and then asked me to give mine, which I did after that asked a few questions on one of my projects and asked some questions about Cronjob as I had implemented that in my project. Then she asked me the questions I solved in previous round and asked the approach of Unique Triplets whose sum equals -1 within 0(N2).
- Linux Command:
- Linux command to print the entire line which contains’ Error’ from a file I told her we can use the grep command with pattern in double quote followed by file name but I wasn’t aware of the option to be used.
- \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Command to delete a file? and How to remove a directory recursively which I was not able to answer.
\xA0 - She asked me more about 5-6 commands like touch, mkdir, chown, then asked about chmod, read and write permission, how they look and what denotes what in read and write permission structure, I was able to explain everything, and he was satisfied by my answer.\xA0
- Operating System:
- Deadlock, reasons for deadlock, how to handle?, What is Segmentation?, What is Paging?, Why paging is needed and how it works?, Segmentation Vs Paging, Virtual memory, Thrashing
While answering Segmentation vs Paging I got confused and was not able explain properly.
- Networking:
- Explain the OSI model’s all layers with protocols of each layer, OSI vs TCP/IP, What is DNS, explain how it works?, What is VPN and how it works?, How FTP works?,\xA0What happens when we type amazon.com in the URL?
- HTTP Vs HTTPS with their port number & TLS handshake.
I was able to answer all the questions and explain in a well-structured manner. \xA0
- Coding:
- A File handling question to print all transaction whose status is failed from a file which contains transactions then she asked me to handle multiple entry for same transaction with different status Which I solved using Set and at last to print only transaction ID of above transacions which I solved using split() function.
\xA0 - Find minimum group of array with difference less than k
Array = \xA0[1, 5, 4, 6, 8, 9, 2], k = 3
I solved this after sorting & using two pointer in O(N log N)
Verdict: Selected.
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