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Service Now IC2 interview experience Feb 2023

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Hi team,
It is time to give back to community. I will keep my post upto the point.
I participated in a hiring drive in Hyderabad.

**Round 1 **
It is a written test (pen/paper) for shortlisting for further round.
The question was based upon trees (dfs)

**Round 2 **
This round was with a senior engineer.

  1. Array question (easy)
  2. Inheritence code including polymorphism.
  3. SQL query where a join is required.
  4. System design question to design an efficient system to find the top 5 most liked videos on Youtube across a region and worldwide.

**Round 3 **
This is a HM round, I had a good discussion around my current work and he explained about his team for around 30 mins. Then we had a schema design question for a system somewhat similar to Uber.
Based on my schema design he asked a sql query which again require a join.

I was given verbal confirmation on that day itself that I am selected.

Compensation details -
I wish you all a good luck for your upcoming interviews.

Thanks LinkedIn community :)

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